50 Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes

Thanksgiving is one of the year's biggest holidays and is known for having the best food. Try these vegan Thanksgiving recipes today.

50 Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash


I’m not a fan of Thanksgiving anymore because I associate it with bad memories. A few years ago, we had a house fire on Thanksgiving weekend. Luckily, all of us made it out okay, but the house didn’t make it.

Hopefully, this Thanksgiving will be more memorable in a positive way. I’m grateful for the newest addition to the family, a black kitten named Sabrina. I also thank Edward, Crash, and Patches because they are a great support system.

If you want some Thanksgiving meal ideas, try these vegan Thanksgiving recipes today including the following.

  • 5 Vegan Charcuterie Boards
  • 5 Vegan Appetizers
  • 5 Vegan Main Courses
  • 5 Vegan Stuffing Recipes
  • 10 Vegan Hot Side Dishes
  • 10 Vegan Cold Side Dishes
  • 5 Vegan Pie Options
  • 5 Vegan Fall Desserts

Please note that many of these recipes are better for smaller Thanksgiving gatherings (< 10 people) or to have some vegan options at a larger celebration. If you’re trying to accommodate 100+ people like at my family’s Thanksgiving, you may want recipes that are better in bulk or stay good in a lunchroom crockpot.

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