50 Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes
Thanksgiving is one of the year's biggest holidays and is known for having the best food. Try these vegan Thanksgiving recipes today.
I’m not a fan of Thanksgiving anymore because I associate it with bad memories. A few years ago, we had a house fire on Thanksgiving weekend. Luckily, all of us made it out okay, but the house didn’t make it.
Hopefully, this Thanksgiving will be more memorable in a positive way. I’m grateful for the newest addition to the family, a black kitten named Sabrina. I also thank Edward, Crash, and Patches because they are a great support system.
If you want some Thanksgiving meal ideas, try these vegan Thanksgiving recipes today including the following.
- 5 Vegan Charcuterie Boards
- 5 Vegan Appetizers
- 5 Vegan Main Courses
- 5 Vegan Stuffing Recipes
- 10 Vegan Hot Side Dishes
- 10 Vegan Cold Side Dishes
- 5 Vegan Pie Options
- 5 Vegan Fall Desserts
Please note that many of these recipes are better for smaller Thanksgiving gatherings (< 10 people) or to have some vegan options at a larger celebration. If you’re trying to accommodate 100+ people like at my family’s Thanksgiving, you may want recipes that are better in bulk or stay good in a lunchroom crockpot.